This prayer is not present in any books in Tanthene canon, though its first portion is akin to a standard veneration of a saint. Rather, it is popular in Calassy.
Some Volissenes and assimilated Calassine expats refer to St. Sölöhtan by his chosen Sasinthēne name, Semonōs. However, he is the second of two saints so-named, and to make matters worse, they share a Feast Day, so this may lead to confusion in stricter theological settings.
O Blessed Sölöhtan, Guide of my Ancestors, Your Master is the Master of Adanōs, and the Master of me. Your word is the help of the Prophet, And your deed led us to the God’s truth.
Pray for us now, and forever, That we may correct our sorry ways, That we may join you, blessed upon all the world, And that we may join you, in the service of the God.
The traditional ending to a prayer to a saint is, ‘Through you, may we be said to be blessed. Through your Master, are we most blessed indeed.’