The Calassine Diaspora and the Volessines

Dec 25, 2024

Migrants from classical Calassy have settled and passed through Antōmenea since antiquity, appearing in censuses since the foundation of the Sasinthene colonies of Voleize and Nōmoura. When asked where one hails from, a Sasinthene colonist would often say ‘Sasinthy’, while an immigrant was likely to reply ‘Voleize’, or ‘Nōmoura’. As Voleize was the largest colony, the term ‘Volessine’ slowly came to be applied to all Calassine migrants in Antōmenea. In Imperial times, Sasinths considered Volessines distinct from Calassines as an ethnicity, noted for having ‘Sasinthene sensibilities’. Calassine patronymics are formed using the -hepár particle. Many early notaries and records-keepers chose to translate this as a distinct last name, as ‘Cheparon’ or ‘Chephon’. The backformed names ‘Chephōs’ and ‘Chephe’ began to surface as a derogatory term. Generally, ‘Kep’ or ‘Kepp’ is used as a slur against Volessines and those of Calassine descent.

The cities of Antōmenea did not submit fully to the rule of Imperial Panarine. Instead, they variably received status as protectorates, vassal states, or independent territories throughout their history. This autonomous status was particularly of interest in Calassine foreign policy, as Calassy sought to buffer themselves against Imperial expansion. Simultaneously, the relative lack of direct Imperial protection made it more feasible for Calassy to influence the Antōmenean states, and in the Imperial period, Calassine backing kept total Imperial subjugation at bay. During the reign of Emperor Girair X Safa, Alesphan Gianōs was elected grand magistrate. He is suspected to have been a Calassine puppet in the handling of his majordomo, Işmír Hásarakeş-hepar.

Intervention by an Imperial Panarine unwilling to see a Calassine treaty port on their border prevented the full admission of Goentea under the ascendancy system. Nevertheless, Goentea was effectively under Calassine suzerainty. By the Segouzan Secession of 1056, Goentea had regained its independence. It became a major destination for refugees fleeing retribution and persecution on either side, with violence flaring up in Goentea between Segouzans and Loyalists, who found sympathy among many of the naturalized ‘Volissenes’. Segouzan organized crime collectives were outraged when the Goentean League established a defensive alliance with Calassy in the face of Daartlawer and Cazian-Oronar collaboration. The largest and most violent such collectives were the Segouzan Remembrance Brigade and the White Guard in Exile.