The Voleizene Civil War (1021)

Dec 25, 2024


Note: This body is written using the Talenic style for Sasinthēne names.

In the spring of 1021, Sgt. S. Giulou was stripped of rank and service, but ultimately cleared of wrongdoing in the fatal confrontation with the Imperial family in Menovina. Immediately, pro-Imperial portions of the Voleizene military banded with Imperial soldiers in reserve, storming the Fort of the Pinnacle in southern Voleize and taking the castellan, G. Tiorellou hostage with his staff. When the magistracy declined to turn S. Giulou over to the dissident group, the dissidents publicly murdered Tiorellon alongside his secretary, Fiotta Euthegistau, and Zmagia Agcatistau.

In the central districts, the dissidents, branding themselves Gold Voleize, fell under threat from the Wretched, a Tanthene trade cartel. Several Gold ringleaders, including Tamōs Giostofou, were captured, and received the death mark carved into their cheeks. This conflict was later called the Mid-Year War, lasting two months before Goentian regulars assisted the Voleizene military in expelling the dissidents from the Fort of the Pinnacle. Voleize removed the golden quadrisections from their flag, leading to the name ‘Red Voleize’, while a folk etymology points to the bloody killings perpetrated by the Wretched during this time.

Gold Voleize, in response to the Reds’ change of flag, adopted the old Imperial Panarine arms as a battle standard. Warfare was heavy in the ensuing months, especially in Menovina and the swamplands between Voleize, the Sea of Goent, and the lake. The Gold Voleize survived off of their depredations in the region. Many farmers were ruined. Meanwhile, Red forces moved to secure Voleizene claims in Menovina, culminating in the Battle of Mouzofal, at Safortar. The ensuing treaty bore the same name.

In 1054, Gold Voleize was able to convince many Crown Sasinthene states to pledge troops to the recapture of Panarine. In 1064 Gold Voleizene forces finally secured the northern half of the city. In 1065, a ceasefire was signed with Cazia-Orod, leaving artillery trained across the ruins of the White River canal.


The Voleizene Civil War permanently crippled the city of Voleize, turning a once-great power on the Sea of Goent to a lame facsimile dependent on Goentea. It similarly ended the neutrality Crown states had relied on during Cazia-Orod’s rise, and led to the recapture of part of Panarine. The Gold Voleize made the northern districts of the old Imperial city their capital, naming their new nation Gold Panarine. Despite being the first test of Cazia-Orod’s ability to maintain its borders, it would also be the last continental conflict before 1109.